Potential Impacts of the Proposed Galleria at Long Wharf on the Biological, Chemical, and Socioeconomic Aspects of the Local New Haven Environment

Sara Ignudo and Farah Refai
EN 643 Fall 2000


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Table of Contents

1. Potential Impacts of the Proposed Galleria at Long Wharf on the Biological, Chemical, and Socioeconomic Aspects of the Local New Haven Environment

2. New Haven Harbor: Historical Perspective

3. Sampling Locations for Present Study

4. Biological Responses to Disturbance


6. Results and Discussion for the benthic community

7. Species List

8. Total Species Richness

9. Annelid DensityPPT Slide

10. Mollusk Density

11. Arthropod Density

12. Abundant Annelid Genera

13. Most Abundant Arthopod and Mollusk Species

14. Dissimilarity

15. Significance of Biological Study

16. New Haven Harbor Water and Sediment Chemistry

17. Bulk Sediment Chemistry: Detected Result

18. Future Considerations

19. Mitigation Measures

20. PPT Slide

21. Nitrate Level

22. The Relevance of the Galleria at Long Wharf to New Haven Harbor

23. Background (Cont’d)

24. Areail Photograph

25. Background (Cont’d)

26. Background (Cont’d)

27. Background (Cont’d)

28. Background (Cont’d)

29. Summary of Analysis of Physical Parameters for the Proposed MallPPT Slide

30. Summary of Analysis of Natutal Parameters for the Proposed MallPPT Slide

31. Summary of Analysis of Socioeconomic Parameters for the Proposed MallPPT Slide

32. Public Response to the Galleria and Surrounding Controversies

33. Westfield Shoppingtown

34. Public Response (Cont’d)

35. Public Response (Cont’d)

36. Additional points

Quinnipiac River Watershed and Region Web Site Department of Biology and Environmental Science at the University of New Haven