Project Overview Oblique Aerial Images of the Lower Quinnipiac River Landscape Analysis of the Lower Quinnipiac River Marshes Quinnipiac Marsh Downloadable GIS Data

Roman Zajac, Principal Investigator
V. Lotharakphong, N. Curri, S. Valauskas
Department of Biology and Environmental Science
University of New Haven, West Haven, CT

Additional GIS data provided by S. Anisfeld and J. Linn
School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
Yale University, New Haven, CT

Aerial photographs provided by South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority

This website was created to provide information about the habitat structure of the tidal marshes of the Lower Quinnipiac River. Click on the links at the top of the page to read a description of the project and results of the analyses, to view oblique aerial images of the study area, or to download the GIS data developed as part of the project.

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Website by Neil Curri

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