Project Overview Oblique Aerial Images of the Lower Quinnipiac River Landscape Analysis of the Lower Quinnipiac River Marshes Quinnipiac Marsh Downloadable GIS Data

Marsh Erosion

The northern area of the marsh has experienced a significant conversion of formerly vegetated areas to bare mud flats. An analysis of aerial photographs of this section of the marsh between 1974 and 2000 by Jennifer Linn and Shimon Anisfeld of Yale University has shown that there has been an increase of about 42 acres of mud flat during this time. It is likely that some corresponding loss in function may have occurred in response to the observed change in the vegetation structure of the marsh.

Area of the marsh experiencing rapid rates of erosion (click image for larger view)

Research into the mechanisms behind this change may provide valuable information regarding future conditions in the marsh relative to conservation and restoration efforts. Using the 2000 map of the Marsh by Linn and Anisfeld and the vegetation map developed by Lotharakphong and Zajac at UNH, we are currently studying marsh loss at the patch level between 1998 and 2000.


Zajac and Lotharakphong, 2002

Click the maps for larger views


Anisfeld and Linn, 2002


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