Henry E. Voegeli
Professor of Biology and Environmental Science

Email: henryv@charger.newhaven.edu
Phone: (203) 932-7106
Fax: (203) 931-6097

Educational Background:

Fields of Specialization:


Current Research Interests:

Selected Publications:

Voegeli, H. Restriction Endonuclease Cleavage and Fragment Electrophoresis of ØX174 DNA, presented Annual Society for Microbiology meetings, May, 1990.

Voegeli, H. Microbiology Laboratory Manual, copyright 1989.

Voegeli, H. Immunology Laboratory Manual, copyright 1989.

Vigue, C., C. Bogucki, B. Staugaard, and H. Voegeli. Exercises in the Biological Sciences, Burgess, 1989.

Voegeli, H. Method for producing protein. U.S. Patent No. 4,473,641, 1979. Granted 1984.

Voegeli, H. Degradation of styrene-butadiene rubber, natural rubber, and vulcanized rubber in automobile tire by bacteria with concomitant production of protein (unpublished), 1979.

Voegeli, H. Production of single-cell protein by Pseudomonas spp. using vulcanized tire rubber, acrylonitrile-butadiene, natural rubber, and/or styrene-butadiene rubber, urea, and inorganic salts as substrate (unpublished), 1979.

Voegeli, H. and J. Cousminer. Protein production by a mixed bacterial culture using Paracril 1880 and selected nitrogen sources. Internat. Biodeter. Bull. 14(4):119-122, 1978.